* Albumin tai oheistuotteen kotelo on tarkoitettu suojaamaan sen sisältöä. (Kotelossa olevat kolhut, naarmut tai värivirheet eivät oikeuta tuotteen vaihtamiseen tai palauttamiseen) *
- CD
“We tried to capture the yearning and wishing of nature itself in our latest EP. The power of nature I felt during my trip to Thailand was an intense experience. The gap between the manufactured nature in vacation spots, which we usually are comforted with, and the nature that exists wildly was interesting. We tried to capture the changing of air according to the season when the songs were made and I hope that the various temperaments of nature contained in each song will comfort and liberate the listeners. The instrumental track “Playing with Fire” contains nature as a roaring fire-like power. The intro track played during the start of our performance was the starting point of the idea. “Flower Tail” tells the story of a voyage through the horizon, sailing on a flower boat in the tropical sea. At the same time, the song is about the ones who set sail and leave for somewhere. In southern Thailand, the bow of a long-tailed wooded boat is decorated with flowers of different shapes, which is said to be a wish for the well-being of fishermen leaving for the sea. The third track, “Origin,” contains the pitifulness of the weight of earnest prayers and hopes. The fourth track “Cloud City” features an image of a city mixed with overflowing love songs and disturbing noise. The final track “One, World, Wound” started with a melody made from humming. The song, which concludes the EP, contains comfort given out to each individual’s wounds. We ourselves, who live on with our own wounds, can become another wound to someone. Everything we do has equal value and the most important thing is to get up and do something. I wish you would come back and listen to this song whenever you struggle with everything feels meaningless.”